Finding yourself unable to pay taxes you owe to the IRS is a difficult position to be in. Letting the problem continue is a sure recipe for disaster. As soon as you know you are in arrears, you should be proactive in your search for a solution. Contacting an experienced, reputable tax law attorney is a promising first step toward relief.
Allen Schuldenfrei, Attorney at Law, is a valuable resource for Maryland residents with tax debt problems. I am lawyer Allen Schuldenfrei, and I have helped many clients find answers. I have helped some negotiate offers in compromise. I have navigated others through the following solutions:
- Currently not collectible (CNC) status — While this status does not eliminate or even reduce the tax you owe the IRS, nevertheless it can be helpful in certain situations. If the IRS determines your account is currently not collectible, that will stop the agency from going forward with any collection activity. You may avoid garnishments, levies, liens, asset seizures or criminal charges. It buys you time to work out a solution with the IRS. Also, while your account is in CNC status, it's possible for the 10-year statute of limitations on collections to run out.
- Installment agreements — Payment plans allow you to pay your tax debt over time. This is especially helpful if you do not qualify for an offer in compromise. Depending on your circumstances, you may even qualify to pay only what you can afford even if it's only a fraction of what you owe.
Please contact Allen Schuldenfrei at
Call 410-358-7435 or through the brief online form to learn whether you may qualify for currently not collectible (CNC) status. I serve clients throughout Harford, Howard and Anne Arundel counties.